Global Franchise 9.1

DAY IN THE LIFE OF A... BRAND PRESIDENT Lindsay Junk, President of boutique fitness franchise YogaSix, gives us a snapshot into her life INTERVI EW BY CHARLOTTE SMITH WORK FOCUS Canadian-born Lindsay has worked her way up in the fitness industry to become one of fitness franchising’s most influential leaders What was your first ever job? I was a ski instructor at Blackcomb Mountain in Whistler, British Columbia. What were your career highlights leading up to now? Teaching a bunch of four-year- olds into ski moguls! Kidding... I would say launching YogaSix, leading its expansion through the pandemic and now having 205 studios and being the largest provider of yoga in the world. ...and the low points? Temporarily closing all our studios during the pandemic and talking with franchisees about how to do it. What do you love most about your role? Getting to know our franchisees who are from all over the country. We have a great group of smart and passionate people and it’s a pleasure to help them launch their studios and see them succeed. How did the 10-year-old you imagine your career panning out? I was definitely going to be the first female to play in the NBA! Can you define what success means to you? Having a career that’s exciting and fun and mostly positive. I like to work hard but it can’t be the same all the time. I also want to have time for my family and my own health. I truly feel like I’ve been lucky enough to achieve that with YogaSix and Xponential. INTERVI EW 78 GLOBAL FRANCHISE | ISSUE 9.1