Global Franchise 9.1

The power of personal endorsement Celebrity endorsement works best when it comes from a heartfelt and genuine place. Savvy consumers can spot a sell out a mile off, and disingenuous marketing has been known to result in the loss of fans and followers. Much better, therefore, to partner with a star who has a genuine love for the product or service you provide. Robyn Dixon, star of Bravo Network’s Real Housewives of Potomac, recently signed a franchise deal for Glo30, a doctor-led, subscription-based skincare studio, to expand the brand in her home state of Maryland. As an avid personal consumer and Glo30’s former publicist, she was in a good position to do so. “After being a member for more than 10 years, I’ve seen firsthand how the treatments have outlasted skincare trends and brought life-changing results,” Dixon explained. “As soon as I heard the brand was franchising, I jumped at the chance to expand the Glo30 franchise, starting in Columbia. Glo30’s hyper-focused, highly effective services are the best in the industry, and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to invest early.” Founder Dr. Arleen Lamba expressed her excitement about the reality star’s new role as a Glo30 franchisee. “Having Robyn, who has been a member and huge advocate for over a decade, partner with us to grow throughout Maryland is meaningful,” said Dr. Lamba. “It speaks volumes to the connection we’ve fostered with our members and communities when members like Robyn want to take part in our growth across the country.” The franchise opening will be documented on an upcoming season of Real Housewives – a storyline that’s likely to impact franchising as positively as Glo30. “It will definitely be something that we’ll hopefully see develop and grow and be inspiring for people to want to be franchise owners or business owners as well,” said Dixon. Creating a legacy “Just like when dropping a pebble into a pool creates rings, celebrities bring the same impact to a brand,” says Dan Rowe, founder of global franchising leader Fransmart, which specializes in developing growing and emerging brands, including Glo30. “In busy social feeds, celebrities make people stop to focus on what they are talking about. A celebrity endorsement brings new awareness, amplifies existing awareness and adds an additional degree of credibility. This technique has been used forever for a reason – it works.” During Dan’s experience in working with celebrities in franchising over the years, he’s noticed something special about them. “They’re driven by a deep desire to leave a positive mark on the world and uplift others,” he remarked. “Some express this through food, others help folks to build wealth or start their own businesses, nurturing a diverse community of business leaders. Take Fabio Viviani from JARS, for instance. He’s about as down-to- earth as they come, genuinely dedicated to spreading happiness through food and innovation. He saw franchising as a way in which to bring that joy to even more people. “Another great example, and one of my favorite stories, is how Pitbull and I met and partnered up to build Cilantro Taco Grill. He came to me fired up about the lack of Latino-owned chains, eager to use his star power for good. By teaming up with Cilantro and Fransmart, Armando Perez (Pitbull) is turning his dream of making a difference into reality. It’s a powerful reminder of how franchising can truly impact communities in so many ways.” In an industry that more often “Just like when dropping a pebble into water creates rings, celebrities bring the same impact to a brand” Robyn Dixon and Dr. Arleen Lamba , founder of Glo30 Cilantro Taco Grill founder Temoc Morfin and Pitbull GLOBAL-FRANCHISE.COM 57