GF Issue 54
BUILDA STRONGERTEAM IN 90 DAYS JulieWagstaff, CEO of ActionCoach, defines the six simple steps leaders need to take to develop a winning team he fact is, try as you may, you can’t build a business entirely on your own. Whether you choose to pull in freelance expertise or employ staff, every successful entrepreneur and CEO knows success hinges on a strong team of people all pulling in the same direction with shared goals and values, not an assembled group of individuals. This also means someone at the top who can lead well. If you put yourself in the shoes of someone who is thinking of investing in a franchise brand, leading a team well can seem like a huge endeavor, and it remains a challenge for experienced business owners too. So, let’s break it down, because smaller steps still get you to your destination and can often stop you from deviating too far from your original path. Unlocking a winning team requires some simple yet effective preparation – it starts with an effective recruitment system. The four-hour deselection system is the best we’ve found at ActionCoach. You’re never going to get it right 100 per cent of the time, but our testing and measuring shows this approach finds the ideal candidate an impressive 70% of the time. It’s important to be thorough in every part of your recruitment process. Remember, in the majority of roles you should recruit for attitude and train for skills. Of course, there are certain technical skills that may be essential for a job to be completed correctly, but just be aware that someone with the wrong attitude can demotivate even the most solid team within just a few days of employment. Once you have a good team in place, how do you go about developing and growing it? There are six key areas a leader needs to consider. T “Leaders need to support risk takers and back the team members who come up with ideas with the good of the business in mind” LESSONS IN LEADERSHI P 74 GLOBAL FRANCHISE | ISSUE 8.2
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