GF Issue 54

he recent Franchise Aisa Expo in Manila could well prove to be a seminal moment for everyone involved in international franchising. If you were lucky enough to make it to the event, you will have been impressed with its sheer energy and buzz and crowds queueing round the block to attend. There’s been a definite shift in the atmosphere of the international franchising scene over the last year as the world starts to come to terms with the post-Covid reality. In fact, you might even say that the recent Expo was one of the most positive and exciting events in recent years. The feeling of optimism and energy was truly palpable, and you don’t have to look very far to understand why. Its host nation, the Philippines, is leading the way into the future. With its 110 million- strong population and an average age of just 25, the nation now sits in a demographic sweet spot, where a large portion of its inhabitants are working with a good disposable income. As the seventh largest franchise market in the world with over 2,000 franchise brands and 200,000 franchise outlets, the Philippines is no longer regarded as just an interesting emerging market and is now solidly positioned as a true global leader, with a sophisticated and developed franchise market and population that embraces franchising as a route to entrepreneurship. Post pandemic, this country has also seen a surge in franchising from employed individuals looking for a second income, entrepreneurs wanting to start a business with less risk, and landlords who want to diversify their income. T IS THE FUTURE OF FRANCHISING FILIPPINO? GLOBAL FRANCHISE.COM 35 With its young, energetic population and an economy shaped around the potential of franchising, the Philippines is rapidly forging into one most exciting and lucrative global markets this century, says Farrah Rose